2 Last-Minute Sustainable Halloween Costume Ideas

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Have you ever noticed that we spend hundreds of dollars on a Halloween costume that we only ever wear once? That's ridiculous and completely unsustainable! Halloween snuck up on me this year so here are two super quick, super easy, and super chic sustainable Halloween ideas that feature clothes you probably already have in your closet.


1. Wednesday Addams

Wendy Addams is an icon of American pop culture. She's a fictional character in the comic The Addams Family and is known for her pale skin, grim demeanor, and long, dark, twin braids. Wednesday Addams is often shown wearing a black dress with a white collar, black stockings, and black shoes.I created this look by layering a white button-up underneath a black dress that I already owned. Dark smoky eyes, black lipstick (it's actually just eyeshadow with a lipstick base), and eye bags from not sleeping (cry) help to complete the look.


2. Pisces (Zodiac)

The second super easy costume idea is simply to dress up as your zodiac sign! My birthday in early March and that makes me a Pisces.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and carries some personality traits from all the previous signs but more so, Pisces is known for being compassionate, artistic, intuitive, gentle, wise, empathetic, romantic, and emotional. The Pisces glyph is one of two fish swimming in opposites directions and the sign is often associated with blues, greens, and purples.I simply put on some dramatic makeup featuring those colors, drew the Pisces sign on my forehead, and threw on a flowy, watery, maxi-gown. There are some scales on the side of my face where contouring would be and I let my hair flow as it naturally would to portray the romantic and feminine side of being a Pisces.

This costume idea really speaks more to dressing up as your zodiac sign rather than Pisces specifically. If you believe in astrology, it’s a fun opportunity to connect with like-minded people; if you don’t, it’s still a good conversation starter.

Of course, through all of this, I'd like to stress the importance of clean beauty and making sure that the products you put on your face are non-toxic. Other than that, have fun this Halloween season and as always, I'd love to see your ideas and costumes!!



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