2022 Reflections & 2023 Intentions
2022 was a year of phenomenal experiences with intimate moments of mundane sprinkled in. This year, I pushed really hard in my personal life and filled my time with constant travel, new skills, and working towards the person that I want to be. Going forward this next year, I'm going to let myself fully savor the little moments rather than being afraid of accidentally opening the emotional floodgates to negative feelings.
Why Free Time Feels So Uncomfortable
Why do we say that we hate work and need time away from work, but continue to throw ourselves into more work when free time is presented? Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about work-life balance and specifically, on why free time feels so uncomfortable.
Taipei Taiwan Lockdown Routine
Taiwan has been in a Level 3 Lockdown since May 15th. It’s pretty surreal to be experiencing the shut-down of all local activities for the second time, but the upside of this experience is that I already have routines established from the first go-around. This post will cover some of those daily moments as well as some scenes from a *more quiet* Taipei.
How I Combat Creative Blocks
Anyone who works with creativity can tell you—it’s fickle and hard to control. There are times when the inspiration flows and ideas come easily, and alternatively, there are times when you sit there for hours and get absolutely nothing done. As an exercise, I’m taking today to just reflect on tactics that I use to combat creative blocks.
How I've Been Combating Content Creation Burnout
Between balancing a full-time job in social media and creating content for this space, I frequently find myself on the fringe of burnout. Not only is spending time in a digital space taxing on the body, but the ceaseless stream of media is stressful for the nervous system as well. When I start to feel burnt out, here’s what I do to reset.
How I Got Into Sustainable Fashion
I had the recent honor of being featured in an interview with Secondhand Steph. Keep reading for my thoughts on sustainable fashion, how I got started, tips on thrifting, and more!
What Style Means to Me
There’s so much power in clothing. It’s functional; it’s self-expression; it’s art. Styling is a form of creative expression but I’m also exploring what it means to simply be.