How to Decide If a Trend is For You

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Because of TikTok and viral social media marketing, we’re seeing a rise in microtrends. Whereas in previous decades, fashion trends would cycle in and out over the course of several seasons and even years, we’re now seeing them switch almost overnight. While trends are always fun and exciting, this new shortened cycle is actually incredibly damaging. Microtrends push fashion retailers to create garments (and trash garments) at faster rates than ever–leading to increased waste and production emissions.

While we’re probably not going to see the microtrend cycle stop anytime soon, one way we can mitigate the impact as conscious consumers is to do our best to mindfully navigate them. Instead of getting swept up in the latest releases, take a moment to reflect on whether or not this trend is actually going to serve you. If you want to participate in trends but know that it’s better to do so mindfully, here’s how to decide if a trend is for you.

1. Do you actually like it

Part of the fun of trends is getting to try things that you never thought you’d like to try. It’s an easy way to push the boundaries of what you’re comfortable with and visualize yourself in a different way. However, at the core of it, you have to decide if an aesthetic or trend is one that you actually like. Don’t try a trend just because it’s “trendy.” Take some time to think about whether or not you actually like it, and what specifically you like about it. If it’s not something that you actually like, then skip it.

2. Does it fit your personal style

One of the key tenets to conscious fashion is understanding personal style. Reflect on your wardrobe and take note of the silhouettes and colors that you tend to wear. Does this trend fit with your closet? Does this trend align with how you want to perceive yourself and present yourself? Can you envision wearing the trend at least 30 times even when it’s no longer “trendy”? 

3. How old/new is the trend

Because of the nature of microtrends, styles come and go very quickly. Understanding how long a trend has been here for and how likely it is to stay will help you decide whether or not it’s worth incorporating into your wardrobe. As much as we like to think that we only dress for ourselves, it’s psychologically hard to motivate ourselves to wear something that the rest of the world deems “ugly” or “out.”

4. Can you thrift it?

While this isn’t really a prompt to help you decide if a trend is for you or not, it is a tip that helps decrease the waste and negative environmental impact of trying trends out. As we said earlier, trends are cyclical. A lot of what’s popular now is just a reimagined version of what was popular twenty years ago. Can you find this item in a thrift store or can you upcycle something that you found to make it a version of this trend that aligns with your personal style?

One of the best things about fashion is self expression: it gives us a creative and exciting way to engage with the larger society around us. However, as conscious consumers, it’s part of our responsibility to take a step back and recognize what these larger industries are pushing on us and how much of it we want to incorporate into our own lives. So if you’re wanting to try trends out, that’s entirely okay! Have fun with it. Just use these points beforehand to decide if they’re actually worth trying.


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