Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh

What Is A Conscious Consumer & Why Does It Matter?

We live in a capitalistic society where consumerism dictates the economy, which in turn impacts everything from the social services we receive to the laws and policies that are enacted. Because we are all part of this larger system that revolves around what we buy, we can leverage it to our benefit by choosing to buy better. So, what is a conscious consumer and why does it matter?

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Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh

How To Sell Secondhand Clothing Ethically & Sustainably

So, you’re passionate about sustainable fashion and see reselling clothes as an opportunity to promote the cause and earn a few bucks. But as a conscious consumer yourself, you’re concerned about the potential implications that starting such a business might have on the environment and the people involved. So, here are a few tips on how to sell secondhand clothing ethically and sustainably.

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Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh

5 Limitations Of Sustainable Fashion Certifications

Sustainable fashion certifications guarantee that specific production standards are met and can be a helpful way to differentiate sustainable brands from greenwashing brands, but there are still limitations. As a conscious consumer, having an understanding of these can give you a more holistic view of how different agencies play into the sustainable fashion conversation. Here are five limitations and criticisms of sustainable fashion certifications.

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Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh

How To Care For Your Shoes and Make Them Last Longer

A huge part of building a more sustainable closet is prolonging the lifespan of the items that you own. Shoes, however, can be tricky because they’re in constant contact with the ground. But as everyday people who care about the environment, we can still do our best to take care of them. So here are 4 steps that you can take to make your shoes last longer.

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Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh

How to Decide If a Trend is For You

Because of TikTok and viral social media marketing, we’re seeing a rise in microtrends that push fashion retailers to create (and trash) garments at record rates—leading to increased waste and production emissions. As conscious consumers, one way we can mitigate the environmental impact is to decide if a trend is worth participating in. Here are four questions to ask yourself to decide if a trend is for you

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Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh

How Sustainable is Rented Clothing?

Sustainable fashion is term that refers to fashion that is created in an environmentally conscious way. In today’s society, there is no such thing as truly sustainable fashion but we can do our best to work towards regenerative models and as individual consumers, the option to rent clothing is an approach that has been gaining popularity lately. So, how sustainable is rented clothing?

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Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh Beginner's Guide Gi Shieh

7 Reasons Why Secondhand Fashion Is My Favorite Slow Fashion Approach

Sustainable fashion has become a huge buzzword these past few years, leading to ongoing arguments about how we as consumers can best reduce the negative environmental and social impact that our closets may have. While each approach to sustainable fashion has its own pros and cons, here are 7 reasons why secondhand shopping is my preferred approach to sustainable fashion.

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Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

My Latest “Thrift Haul” - Intentional Thrifting

While “thrift hauls” aren’t sustainable at all, I do believe that mindful thrifting can be a viable alternative to traditional shopping. As a means for personal accountability, as well as to spark conversation around how we can be more mindful consumers, here are some of the secondhand pieces that I’ve picked up over the last four months and my logic behind those purchases.

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Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

3-5 Month Taiwan Capsule Wardrobe

I recently decided to take a 3-6 month trip to Taiwan and because I wanted to stick with my commitment to sustainable fashion, I decided to pack a capsule wardrobe. This 33-piece capsule closet includes daily wear, clothing for special occasions, outerwear, shoes, workout clothing, and pajamas.

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Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

Fall Lookbook 2020

Autumn marks a transitional period. I don’t know about you, but these past few months have been an emotional rollercoaster. As a result, I’ve been focusing internally on the things that I can control and one thing that’s been extremely grounding at this time has been fashion. This fall lookbook is an exploration of outfits that I would wear if I had places to go.

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Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

5 Tips for Mismatched Outfits: Styling Colors, Prints, and Patterns

The first step to building a more sustainable wardrobe is to decrease consumption and to make the most of what you already own. Sustainable fashion has helped me gain an appreciation for shopping my own closet and the joy that creative styling can bring. Here are 5 tips to help you pair colors, prints, and patterns so that you can make the most of your existing wardrobe.

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