Chatty Life Update - Winter 2021

Hello friends! I’m long overdue for a life update on this blog, so here goes!

Earlier this year, I came to a crucial understanding that if I were retired and free from any financial obligations, I would probably still spend just as much time on content creation. It truly has been a much more comprehensive creative outlet than I had anticipated and has become one of my go-to ways to find beauty, growth, and expression along this life journey.

Coming to that realization took some of the pressure off monetization and has allowed me to slowly shift some of the content here to whatever it is that tickles my fancy at the moment.

With this new perspective, I've also come to realize that a big part of what motivates me to create is the desire to make people feel less lonely. I’m still trying to figure out how I can best support young humans through the loneliness and isolation that can come with adolescence and young adulthood, but at the moment, hopefully, it’s enough to just share my experiences.

I might’ve mentioned this in my Summer Reflections & Autumn Intentions blog post, but I’ve also been making it a priority to attend to my needs outside of work and to explore Taiwan.

I’m starting to recognize that it’s almost time for me to move on to a new location, and with that sense of urgency, I’ve been spending less time in front of this computer creating digital media and spending more time just trying to make memories. I have taken some footage for vlogs though, so stay tuned for when those will finally be released!

Intentions For This Coming Season:

  • Continue to live life and explore Taiwan. 

  • Spend more time with family and friends. My time here is limited and leaving is a choice that I’m making for my own growth but before I go, I’d love to make it clear to my loved ones just how much I cherish them.

  • Reframe and restructure this blog as time allows.

  • Redefine my sustainability journey and set goals for the coming year.

That’s it! This blog post is extra short because we’ve only got a few more weeks before I cover a more in-depth reflection of the year and set intentions for 2022!


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