My Latest “Thrift Haul” - Intentional Thrifting
While “thrift hauls” aren’t sustainable at all, I do believe that mindful thrifting can be a viable alternative to traditional shopping. As a means for personal accountability, as well as to spark conversation around how we can be more mindful consumers, here are some of the secondhand pieces that I’ve picked up over the last four months and my logic behind those purchases.
9 Thrift Tips For A Sustainable Closet
If you’re looking to create a more sustainable closet but can’t afford some of the sustainable fashion brands on the market, a smart alternative is to shop secondhand. Thrifting is an art form and to help you master this skill, I’ve compiled a list of tips from some secondhand shopping rockstars in the community to share with you!
Five Questions To Ask Yourself Before (Impulse) Buying
Rampant consumption is an issue within the sustainable fashion community. From large purchases from sustainable brands to thrift hauls, rapid overconsumption is something that many of us struggle with. Here’s a list of 5 questions that you should ask yourself before buying that garment.