Slow Travel Gi Shieh Slow Travel Gi Shieh

Celebrating Indigenous Taiwanese Culture With the East Rift Valley (ERV) Festival & MyTaiwanTour

Taiwan is home to 16 indigenous groups and a large percentage of them now reside within the East Rift Valley. I had the opportunity to attend the annual East Rift Valley Festival celebrating indigenous Taiwanese culture with MyTaiwanTour and cannot wait to share my experience with you. Below is a summary of everything I learned and my honest review of the weekend.

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Slow Travel Gi Shieh Slow Travel Gi Shieh

Green Island, Taiwan (Lyudao) Travel Guide

Green Island in Taiwan, or Lyudao is a small island off the east coast of the main island of Taiwan known for its rugged sea cliffs, rolling green meadows, and mysterious sea caves. This island is a travel destination that blends the ease and comfort of modern living within the context of stunning natural landscapes and this guide will cover all the must-see spots on the island.

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