Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

Five Ways To Style White Pants

Summer is *literally* around the corner so that means it’s white pants season! For the longest time, I avoided white pants and saw them as high maintenance but this year, I finally decided to jump on the bandwagon and I have to say that my wardrobe is forever changed. If you’re lost about how to wear white pants, here are five ideas that you can try out today.

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Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

3-5 Month Taiwan Capsule Wardrobe

I recently decided to take a 3-6 month trip to Taiwan and because I wanted to stick with my commitment to sustainable fashion, I decided to pack a capsule wardrobe. This 33-piece capsule closet includes daily wear, clothing for special occasions, outerwear, shoes, workout clothing, and pajamas.

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Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

Fall Lookbook 2020

Autumn marks a transitional period. I don’t know about you, but these past few months have been an emotional rollercoaster. As a result, I’ve been focusing internally on the things that I can control and one thing that’s been extremely grounding at this time has been fashion. This fall lookbook is an exploration of outfits that I would wear if I had places to go.

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