#SlowFashionSpiritWeek Instagram Challenge
We made it through #SlowFashionSpiritWeek! This seven-day challenge encouraged participants to style their slow fashion outfits while we were all in quarantine. Each day was assigned a particular theme, much like regular spirit week is, so without further ado, here’s a summary of the outfits that I created!
Key Indicators of Greenwashing: A Letter to Fast Fashion Brands
Fashion Revolution Week has garnered a lot of media attention these past few years and because of that, it’s become a prime opportunity for businesses to launch their greenwashed campaigns. To shed some light on the techniques, I’ve written a fun letter to them. As a consumer, I hope that you’ll consider it as a guideline for some key indicators of greenwashing.
How To Make Your Clothes Last Longer
Have you ever given any thought as to how you were taking care of your clothes? How you launder, store, and care for your clothes can have a significant impact on keeping them looking good (and wearing well). Ready? This is a beginner’s guide to making your clothes last longer.