Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

Autumn Lookbook 2021

It’s officially autumn and in honor of this transitional season, I’ll be sharing 12 outfits from sustainable sources grouped in accordance with the three months of fall.

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Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

Fall Lookbook 2020

Autumn marks a transitional period. I don’t know about you, but these past few months have been an emotional rollercoaster. As a result, I’ve been focusing internally on the things that I can control and one thing that’s been extremely grounding at this time has been fashion. This fall lookbook is an exploration of outfits that I would wear if I had places to go.

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Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

#RemixYourWardrobe Instagram Challenge Recap

We just wrapped up the #RemixYourWardrobe challenge on Instagram! This style challenge was a rehash of one that occurred earlier this year and it prompted participants to reassess and restyle their existing wardrobes. Here’s a recap of the looks that I put together as well as some features from the community!

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Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

5 Tips for Mismatched Outfits: Styling Colors, Prints, and Patterns

The first step to building a more sustainable wardrobe is to decrease consumption and to make the most of what you already own. Sustainable fashion has helped me gain an appreciation for shopping my own closet and the joy that creative styling can bring. Here are 5 tips to help you pair colors, prints, and patterns so that you can make the most of your existing wardrobe.

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Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

#EffTheStyleRules Instagram Challenge

This past week, I participated in the #EffTheStyleRulesChallenge on Instagram. This unique and radical challenge gave us the opportunity to examine common style rules and how they enforce privilege across gender, class, body size, and more. This blog post is a summary of the outfits I created as well as my thoughts on the topics that they addressed.

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Style Gillian Shieh Style Gillian Shieh

#DontSweaterBoutIt Fall Style Challenge

Aaaaaaand that sums up the Sweater challenge! Thank you to everyone who participated! Here’s a summary of what it entailed, my looks for the week, an overview of the experience, and some of my favorite looks from the community!

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