Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

My Latest “Thrift Haul” - Intentional Thrifting

While “thrift hauls” aren’t sustainable at all, I do believe that mindful thrifting can be a viable alternative to traditional shopping. As a means for personal accountability, as well as to spark conversation around how we can be more mindful consumers, here are some of the secondhand pieces that I’ve picked up over the last four months and my logic behind those purchases.

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Style Gi Shieh Style Gi Shieh

Summer Lookbook 2020

I know, I’s almost autumn...why are you dropping this right now? Well, I’ve gotta say, sometimes that’s just how life works. This summer lookbook is a log of the outfits that I wore this summer as well as a documentation of how the past few months have gone.

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Style Gillian Shieh Style Gillian Shieh

#StyleByFood Instagram Challenge

This week, I participated in the #StyleByFood Instagram Challenge where we had to create five different outfits inspired by your favorite foods. Needless to say, this challenge was uniquely difficult and really pushed me to be creative!

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Style Gillian Shieh Style Gillian Shieh

Color My Closet: A Winter 2020 Instagram Challenge

We just wrapped up another round of the Color My Closet Challenge by Chloe Alysse! I first tried this styling challenge last August and had so much fun with it that I couldn’t wait to join again. Keep reading for a summary of my outfits and what I learned this time around!

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