Personal Gi Shieh Personal Gi Shieh

Summer Reflections & Autumn Intentions

Hello autumn! Summer is officially over and we’re now in the middle of autumn. I’m a few weeks late, but I figured that now would be a great time to reflect on how the summer season went and set intentions for the current fall season.

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Personal Gi Shieh Personal Gi Shieh

Taipei Taiwan Lockdown Routine

Taiwan has been in a Level 3 Lockdown since May 15th. It’s pretty surreal to be experiencing the shut-down of all local activities for the second time, but the upside of this experience is that I already have routines established from the first go-around. This post will cover some of those daily moments as well as some scenes from a *more quiet* Taipei.

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Slow Living Gi Shieh Slow Living Gi Shieh

Top 8 Podcasts on Sustainability To Listen To

Podcasts provide valuable industry updates in a convenient, easily digestible form, and can frequently be played when you’re doing other mindless tasks. As someone who is keen on new developments in the sustainable space, podcasts are by far my favorite method for learning new information. Here are the top 8 sustainability podcasts that you should listen to today.

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