Online Thrift Stores That Sell Home Decor
Second hand home decor is not only more sustainable, but also unique. With a little creativity, you can easily upcycle someone else’s trash into something that brings you joy. So, here are the best online thrift stores that sell used home goods and furniture.
2025 Summer Travel Capsule Wardrobe
Breezy linen tops, lightweight sundresses, and comfortable walking shoes... The perfect summer travel capsule wardrobe consists of versatile garments that pair cohesively to create unique outfits for your specific plans. So here are some ideas for what to pack on your next trip!
Thredup vs Poshmark (For Sellers)
ThredUp and Poshmark are two of the most popular online thrift platforms out there. So let's take a look at these two consignment marketplaces and break down exactly how they work, what they're best for, and how much you can make as a seller.
Do Thrift Stores Wash Clothes?
One of the biggest deterrents to thrifting is sanitation. When you buy something secondhand, you don't know how clean it is. So, do thrift stores wash the clothes that they resell? Here's everything you need to know about hygienically shopping preloved clothes.
What Is Thrifting?
In 2018, I quit fast fashion. It it took me a few years, but I now I only shop secondhand (thrift). If you're ready to learn more about this eco-friendly and budget-conscious way of shopping, here's Thrifting 101: everything you need to know about buying preloved clothes.
How To Sell Secondhand Clothing Ethically & Sustainably
So, you’re passionate about sustainable fashion and see reselling clothes as an opportunity to promote the cause and earn a few bucks. But as a conscious consumer yourself, you’re concerned about the potential implications that starting such a business might have on the environment and the people involved. So, here are a few tips on how to sell secondhand clothing ethically and sustainably.
Facebook Marketplace Thrift Shopping Tips
Although Facebook is certainly antiquated when it comes to social media function, it still offers certain features that other social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok don’t offer. Today, we’re going to break down Facebook Marketplace and 5 tips on how you can best use it to thrift unique clothes!
8 Garments That You Should Always Thrift Over Buying New
It’s no secret that thrift shopping is my favorite approach to sustainable fashion. The garments tend to be cheaper, higher quality, and more unique than what you might find at a conventional fast-fashion retailer. So here are 8 pieces of clothing that you should always thrift over buying new.
7 Reasons Why Secondhand Fashion Is My Favorite Slow Fashion Approach
Sustainable fashion has become a huge buzzword these past few years, leading to ongoing arguments about how we as consumers can best reduce the negative environmental and social impact that our closets may have. While each approach to sustainable fashion has its own pros and cons, here are 7 reasons why secondhand shopping is my preferred approach to sustainable fashion.
5 Online Thrifting Platforms for Secondhand Fashion (Part 2)
If you’re hoping to add more secondhand finds to your closet, online thrifting platforms are some of the most convenient ways to purchase secondhand garments at the moment. In this article, we’re going to dive deeper into 5 online thrifting platforms for secondhand fashion.
My Latest “Thrift Haul” - Intentional Thrifting
While “thrift hauls” aren’t sustainable at all, I do believe that mindful thrifting can be a viable alternative to traditional shopping. As a means for personal accountability, as well as to spark conversation around how we can be more mindful consumers, here are some of the secondhand pieces that I’ve picked up over the last four months and my logic behind those purchases.
8 Online Thrifting Platforms for Secondhand Fashion
Fall is right around the corner and as we approach this seasonal shift, you might be considering a few new items for your closet. However, before you head straight to your favorite sustainable brand, ask yourself if the items you’re looking for can be purchased secondhand. Here are 8 online thrifting platforms for secondhand fashion.
9 Thrift Tips For A Sustainable Closet
If you’re looking to create a more sustainable closet but can’t afford some of the sustainable fashion brands on the market, a smart alternative is to shop secondhand. Thrifting is an art form and to help you master this skill, I’ve compiled a list of tips from some secondhand shopping rockstars in the community to share with you!
Five Questions To Ask Yourself Before (Impulse) Buying
Rampant consumption is an issue within the sustainable fashion community. From large purchases from sustainable brands to thrift hauls, rapid overconsumption is something that many of us struggle with. Here’s a list of 5 questions that you should ask yourself before buying that garment.